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Introduction Of Water Indicators

Every day, the drinking water plant’s water treatment equipment converts raw water into qualified drinking water. These indicators reflect both the quality of raw water and the quality of finished water. As a water treatment production company, we must also conduct water treatment production using water indicators. In our many years of experience, we have frequently encountered the following questions from our customers:

  • What are the indicators in the water?
  • What does each indicator mean?
  • What is the impact on the human body or device?

Microbial indicators, toxicological indicators, sensory traits, general chemical indicators, and radioactivity indicators are the four types of common drinking water indicators. Toxicological indicators are important indicators for assessing water quality. Because general water treatment methods such as filtration, sedimentation, and coagulation do not always completely remove them. Toxicological indicators must be considered when choosing water sources.

The following are the current common indicators and drinking water limit values in China. Linho explained and described the health effects of each indicator. I believe you can gain a better understanding of the indicators by using this table. It will also assist you in selecting a more appropriate water treatment.

To disinfect the finished water, we frequently use ozone, chlorine disinfectants, and other chemicals in the modern water treatment process. As a result, the disinfectant indicators must be tested in the finished water. The general indicators and requirements for domestic drinking water disinfectants are listed in the table below:

No.IndicatorContact Time With Water/MinFinished Water And Tap Water Limits (Mg/L).Finished Water Allowance (Mg/L).Tap Water Allowance (Mg/L).
40Free Ammonia≥30≤2≥0.3≥0.05
41Total Chlorine≥120≤3≥0.5≥0.05
43Chlorine Dioxide≥30≤0.8≥0.1≥0.02
  • When disinfecting with liquid chlorine, sodium hypochlorite, or calcium hypochlorite, free chlorine should be measured.
  • Total chlorine should be measured when using chloramine disinfection.
  • Ozone should be measured when using ozone disinfection.
  • Chlorine dioxide concentration should be determined when using chlorine dioxide disinfection.
  • Chlorine dioxide and free chlorine should be measured when using a chlorine dioxide and chlorine mixed disinfectant generator.
  • Both indicators must satisfy the limit requirements, and at least one must satisfy the allowance requirements.

Each country and region has different implementation standards, and testing of raw and finished water should be done in accordance with your local government’s requirements. Linho would be delighted to share additional experiences and ideas with you.

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