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What is Bottled Juice Production Like?

In a bottled juice filling line, the bottled juice production system is indispensable. Before purchasing the juice filling line machinery and equipment, users need to consider the production method of juice. Then choose the juice production equipment according to the determined juice production scheme.

What are the production methods of bottled juice?

The main production methods of bottled juice include raw fruit juice pressing, concentrated juice blending, fruit powder blending, concentrated juice reduction, and adding fruit pulp.

Raw Fruit Juice Production:

Raw fruit juice production includes the procedures of fruit selection, washing, peeling, pitting, beating, juicing, and filtration. Different fruits, juicing equipment and procedures will vary. Raw fruit juicing preserves the nutrition and flavor of the fruit to the maximum. Generally, it doesn’t require additives after sterilization, but needs cold chain transportation and storage, and the shelf life is shorter. With the increasing demand for natural foods, the market share of raw fruit juices is gradually increasing, especially in the high-end beverage market.

Bottled juice plants that use raw fruit juice are generally built next to large fruit bases. Depending on the type of fruit, select the corresponding juicing equipment. For example, apples, sugar cane, berries and fruits require different juicing equipment. Since the production of fruits is greatly affected by the harvest season of fruits, juice factories also need to prepare more warehousing to store raw fruits reasonably.

Concentrate Juice Production:

The blending of fruit juice concentrate is to mix water, juice concentrate and other additives together at one time to obtain the finished juice directly. Beverage factories need to add a variety of required raw materials such as fruit juices, syrups, flavors, acidity regulators, colorings, and preservatives according to the proportions of the formula. The formula of the beverage is generally from a special formulation company to develop according to the type of juice, consumer taste preference and other factors.

In the modern juice market, juice blends using fruit juice concentrates are relatively common. Factors such as the low cost of transport, no need for refrigeration, long shelf life and the ability to produce in a variety of climatic conditions throughout the year, are the main reasons. In commercial production, fruit juice concentrates are more common and economical.

In juice production, bottled juice plants need to purchase concentrated juice from fruit concentrate manufacturers. The production of concentrated juice is like the production method of raw fruit juice, mainly including fruit selection, cleaning, peeling, coring, pulping, juicing, and filtration. Then concentrate, sterilize, and aseptically pack the juice. The bottled juice factory purchases the aseptically packaged juice concentrate. The juice concentrate can be reduced with water, or a new juice can be blended according to the formula of the drink.

Bottled Juice Production From Fruit Powder:

In addition to the two juice production methods of concentrated juice blending and concentrated juice reduction, fruit powder blending is also a more commonly used method. It uses the powder of the fruit (i.e. fruit powder) as raw material, and mixes with water and other additives to be juice. Compared to concentrated juice blending, juices formulated with fruit powder can be transported and stored more easily, while also allowing more precise control of the ingredients and flavors added. In addition, fruit juices blended with fruit powder are more cost-effective than juice concentrates because they are smaller and can take up less space during transportation and storage, reducing associated costs. However, because fruit powder has more processing steps than fruit juice concentrate, there is more loss of nutrients and a greater impact on taste.

Overall, the juice flavor and nutrition of raw fruit pressed are best preserved. However, the machinery and equipment are more demanding, and the transportation and storage costs of the finished juice are high. Concentrated juice blending can maintain the nutrition and flavor of juice to a large extent, and the requirements for machinery and equipment are relatively low, and the shelf life is longer. However, the taste will still be inferior to the original juice. Fruit powder blending is cheaper to produce, which can maintain the nutrition and flavor of the juice to a certain extent.

When choosing the blending method of juice, users should consider multiple factors to make the best choice for themselves. Please contact Linho to get more information.

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